Wednesday, October 24, 2007

so it begins....

hi all,
-wiriting bit while in the plane-
our travel has started and we are still on our way eastwards with a stopover coming soon at Bombay/Mumbai, for an all nighter 8 hour wait and early bird flight to Delhi.
We've just passed by the northern border of Iraq and entered Iran, with snow peaked mountain rangesshining from below. The flight has lured us into a jawdropping multimedia comfort with personal LCD touchscreens that open up a boredom-banning time with movies, music and games at hand, or at a touch, that is.
I had expected to sleep all flight long, except for the tasty dish, but instead have been listening to punjabi and bollywood music, watching punjabi and gujarati comedy opera's crammed with bizarre sound effects and watching a punjabi movie as we speak, errr write.
I couldn't resist to bootleg the opening tunes and interludes of these comedy shows and already gathered some sounds on the recorder. Battery empty now, the musical belly filled.
As for Maarten, he's been filming whatever he could from the screens or around our seats, one tape fully filled and exchanged. Soon will try to put up some sounds and clips whenever we can get a web connection in nightly bombay.
-updated bit-
No internet in Bombay, or just too hard to find. Instead we wandered around the airport outside and ate at an indian open aired canteen, being the only white tourists doing so at 3am. Gorgeous stuff, as surely nearly every meal will be. After a 2 hour sleep on the marble floor we took our flight to Delhi and got here early in the morning. Heat, exhaust fumes, chaotic traffic, monkeys and cows sitting next to the road, people sleeping on the road, constant honking and people clamping you; it's all here. We do enjoy it, though being well wrecked from lack of snoozetime and we got a head massage at a barber stall.
Ok, off to find a place to crash, anywhere. For the next few days it will be Diwali, the hindu holy holidays, which means a lot of places will be closed. Hope we can post stuff now and then. We don't know what we will do the next days, but likely won't stay in Delhi though we do intend to be here in the weekend and visit some bhangra or bollywood dance nights off the beaten path, if possible. After the weekend, we'll make a move to Pushkar, to start the Rajasthan docu project.
That's all for now, hopefully some uploads later this week.


Anonymous said...

tjee, zo kort geleden zag ik jullie nog en nu al zo veel avonturen (kan ook niet anders eigenlijk). Dapper, dat zijn jullie. Veel dapperheid en schoonheid toegewenst op jullie verdere trip. Kus, Klazien

Anonymous said...

Hi Seb !

Good luck on your newest adventure in India ! Try not to eat too much strange foods or you'll have to stay in bed for days !
See you around ! Sebastien

papachrispy said...

LOL! nice one Seb, hope you guys can upload some stuff soon.

Accha, innit?!!

Rory said...

Monkeys! Head massage!

I'm jealous!



kvlol said...

"Gorgeous stuff, as surely nearly every meal will be."

Cannot emphasize this enough: Avoid green salad and drink bottled water you see opened in front of you. Sounds very snobbish but I've travelled around India a bit and spent long-ish periods of time over the years there, thanks to those golden rules managed to avoid getting sick!

Sounds like a real adventure. Looking forwards to uploads and things. As I said before, I am very jealous!

Unknown said...


Ik weet niet hoelang je nog in Bombay zit, maar er zit wel een internet cafe in de buurt van het vliegveld. Success met navragen!

Ow, en de koffie in het stalletje buiten (rechts ergens) is heeerlijk.

Anonymous said...

Head massage! I never got the chance to go visit one of those streetside barbers hah. I now expect all films and piccatures of ya to be fresh and smooth with all the 50 rupee shaves at your disposal ;D
Not all the foods are gorgeous - there's some pretty strange stuff. I once ended up being fed some horrid grapes soaked in salt water - eegh. Try some milky ginger tea though and check out the McCurry and lack of hamburgers at McD's :P
Oh and for payphones just follow the signs saying STD hahah xx

Anonymous said...

hoi seb! en ik maar denken dat je pas komend weekend zou vertrekken... jammer dat ik je niet meer heb gezien/gesproken! heel benieuwd waar je mee terug gaat komen, een mooie tijd gewenst
xx Eveleen

Unknown said...

ha die bas en maarten,

mooi dat jullie goed zijn aangekomen(en topfit) in delhi!!
veel plezier daar en ik zie jullie volgende blog wel weer verschijnen!!

mazzel remko

SebCatLitter said...

hi all,
thanks for all your cool sweet comments.

niels: we tried finding the ITcafe at bombay Int, but fat luck. everyone was pointing us to wrong directions (which still happens all the time, every day, one of the joys here). we did eat at that open aired cafetaria, which was superb.

kvlol: indeed we have avoided salad or anything washed with water. I have drunk a few sips from the tapwater, not gotten sick yet. Am trying to let the germs get used to my body, very slowly. we only drink bottled water ofcourse, also at our indian hosts, who drink bottled water too.

rory: I bought a little shortwave radio today and one of the stations had a raga practise lesson on air with female vocals and how to emphasize on vowel tones. great stuff. forgot my jack plug so couldn't record it. arse. it kinda sounded like those LaMonte Young session, but more stripped.

papacrispy: we hope to upload some audio n viddy clips later this week. so far not much luck finding wifi but we'll stalk big hotels at some point.

Aly: we have eaten just one veggie burger, at Wimpy's. that burger munching uncle of Popeye. It tasted quite blank. so we're happy with curry's. we've tasted a lot of special stuff, most of it very tasty. but the mind frogleaps too.

kla, eveleen, brother remboy, seb & kimicco, thanks for your words! :)

seb & maarten, dapper als zwakken

Anonymous said...

Hej jullie!

Wat een mooie foto's en prachtige mensen! Kunnen jullie wat dancemoves oppikken en meenemen naar nederland? Ben vooral geinteresseerd in de hand-moves. Maar liever niet de handen zelf meenemen.

Hier is niet veel veranderd, het begint winter te worden en vandaag werd ik verrast door de felle november-zon die nu rond half 5 onder begint te gaan. Fietsen zonder handschoenen kan bijna niet meer en in de Oostzee is een eeuwenoud scheepswrak ontdekt.

Liefs aan jullie en onwijs veel plezier!


SebCatLitter said...

ey ioana,
aan wat voor handmoves dacht je? De komende dagen zullen er Rajasthaanse folkdansen zijn op de mela hier in Pushkar. die we zowiezo toch zullen filmen. misschien ook nog wat zigeunerdansen filmen.

hier gaat de zon elke dag om 17.30 onder. dat krijg je zo bij de evenaar.
waar is de oostzee eigenlijk?

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